Welcome to our about us page of studydecor.com study decor is blog completely focused on study tables, everything from ideas to manufacturing , from designs to usage , from creativity to utility we share our deep passion in the from of articles so that you get benefit from our experiences , our passion , our new design ideas , and get inspired to make your own study table to work more and be productive.

I am Engr. Khan main brain behind the blog to help to deeply understand and fetch maximum potential form study desks and tables i hope you get maximum benefit from our articles and join us in this exciting community of table decor lovers.

Table of Contents

Who we are

We are team of civil engineers and interior designers and we share our work and ideas in from of articles that only focus on study tables and overall study environment enhancement. The aim of the blog is to help students and professionals to make better choices while creating or investing in their study spaces weather it be study furniture , room design , accessories everything which will help you in increasing your productivity.

We have experience of over 5 years working in market and served over 190 clients so far in creating their work and study spaces more productive and we share our all those experiences in this blog.

Stay connected

Follow us on social media for daily inspiration and interact with us and share your valuable feedback thanks alot .